Let's Give...
At St Georges and St Nicholas we contribute to the life of both churches and the community around us in a number of ways.
Although there are many ways to give to the life of our churches, one way is to give financially. This financail giving allows our churches and ministry to flourish, it allows our beautiful buildings and churchyard to be maintained to a high standard and allows our ministry and mission within the community to grow and develop.
We are so thankful for the generosity of those who support us here in the Parish of Norton.
There are many different ways to support us:
** Weekly donations through the collection plate during the church service **
** Regular monthly giving set up by standing order **
** One off donations through clicking the "give' button below **
You can also support us by completing a "Gift Aid" formassuming you are a UK taxpayer.
This allows us to increase your donation by 25p in every £1

** Weekly donations through the collection plate in service **