Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults Policy

Promoting a Safer Church
Parish of Norton
For the Churches of St. George & St. Nicholas in the Parish of Norton
Keeping our Children, Young and vulnerable Adults Safe
Christians are called to recognise the unique status of children, young people and vulnerable adults. There is a special need to respect them as individuals and protect them in their vulnerability. Jesus warned that those who exploited or abused children deserved profound condemnation. Within the kingdom of God, children matter in their own right and are to be taken seriously.
The Church is required by God to foster relationships of the utmost integrity, truthfulness and trustworthiness. Clergy and laity who work with these groups within the Church in any paid or voluntary capacity need to operate within a carefully thought-out framework of good policy and practice which will ensure that all are safeguarded and nurtured physically and emotionally as well as spiritually.
At the Parish of Norton, we value the children, young and older people who come to our Sunday School and weekday activities and we are committed to giving them the best possible care and provision. The highest professional standards will therefore be maintained in all pastoral, counselling, educational, worship and recreational situations. The exploitation of any relationship for self-gratification will not be tolerated.
Any allegations or disclosures of abuse will be taken seriously and appropriate steps will be taken.
All those working or seeking to work with children, young adults and vulnerable older people will be properly recruited, trained and supported, and will be subject to whatever supervision is appropriate. All those working within this parish will be expected to abide by the Church of England’s policy:
The Church of England Safeguarding Policy for children, young people and adults.
All those working with the groups mentioned in any capacity will be required to be checked with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). Those not already known well by church leaders will be asked to supply a reference.
All matters concerning safeguarding issues may be referred to the clergy or the Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator who will be able to offer advice and support and take action where necessary.
Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Dr Andrew Nicholls Tel: 07778 627911
Diocesan Representative: Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser – Jeremy Hirst Tel: 01727 818107 Mob: 07867 350886
Children Schools and Families (Herts) [you do not need to give your name] 03001234043
Note: The Children Act 1989 defines a child as a person under eighteen for most purposes.